Stealthiness - Ima hide in mah cornerz nao (synonym)

Stealthiness - Ima hide in mah cornerz nao (synonym)
Have we been efficient at wasting your time today?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Cancelled; Please Read

So, earlier tonight at around 11PM I opened up S.T.E.A.L.T.H. to work on it some more and, lo and behold, my GameMaker file only had everything from the intro movie. So I go to open the backup file. It's gone. Same with the base file.

What does this mean?

Windows Vista deleted most of my main file and my entire backup and base files. How do I know it was Vista? It's been doing this since I got it. Seems that it applies to everything in the Program Files folder (Seems you're supposed to put everything in the Program Files (x86) folder with Vista 64 bit).

So I hope nobody was really anticipating this game. The only way for me to make it now would be to completely restart from the ground up.

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