Stealthiness - Ima hide in mah cornerz nao (synonym)

Stealthiness - Ima hide in mah cornerz nao (synonym)
Have we been efficient at wasting your time today?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New song from Deadly Disks

I know what you're all probably thinking, "Hey, didn't he just post about Deadly Disks?!? What happened to S.T.E.A.L.T.H.?!? IS STEALTH DEAD?!?". Well, no, S.T.E.A.L.T.H. is not dead by any means whatsoever, I am continuously working on it.

Wii owners of Guitar Hero World Tour who check the All Time Best chart everyday (i.e. ME) may have noticed that the song "Banjo Kazooie" has, in fact, been dethroned from it's number 1 position by "Poke-Battle", which I must admit is better than "Banjo Kazooie", as "Poke-Battle" is not that artist's first song, unlike "Banjo Kazooie", which was my first song. I have spent the last couple of hours working on a new song. It's another cover (don't worry, original awesomeness coming soon!), but it's a cover of the insanely awesome credits song from the incredibly exciting movie BLADE RUNNER. The credits song, originally composed by Vangelis, who is most well known for his song "Chariots of Fire", contained a ton of synthesizers and an orchestra, like most of Vangelis' work.

Wii owners of Guitar Hero World Tour who have their system connected to the internet can get the song by following these steps:

1) From the main menu, click Music Studio
2) From the Music Studio menu, click GHTunes
3) Click search and type in Blade Runner
4) If you can't find it by doing that, try clicking All Time Best instead, maybe it'll end up like the Banjo Kazooie song I did, hehe.

And yes, S.T.E.A.L.T.H. is still in development. : - D

UPDATE: Most very unfortunately, Activision removed my Banjo Kazooie song due to copyright violation. I was a bit upset at first, but I got over it. I also removed my Blade Runner theme to prevent another removal.

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